NFL Player Class with Comparable Implementation

// Player class for NFL, which implements the Comparable interface with type parameter Player
public class NFLPlayer implements Comparable<NFLPlayer> {

    private String name; // player name
    private String team; // player's team
    private int yards; // player's yards per game

    // Player object constructor
    public NFLPlayer(String name, String team, int yards) { = name; // initialize name attribute = team; // initialize team attribute
        this.yards = yards; // initialize yards attribute

    // Name getter method
    public String getName() {
        return name;

    // Team getter method
    public String getTeam() {
        return team;

    // Yards getter method
    public int getYards() {
        return yards;

    // Override the toString() method to provide custom string representation of player object
    public String toString() {
        return String.format("%s - %s: %d yards per game", name, team, yards);

    // Override the compareTo() method to allow comparison of Player objects based on yards
    public int compareTo(NFLPlayer other) {
        return, other.yards); // compare yards of this player with another player

// Define Team class for NFL
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class NFLTeam {
    private ArrayList<NFLPlayer> team;

    // Constructor to initialize team object with a specified count of players
    public NFLTeam(int count) { = new ArrayList<>(); // Initialize the team ArrayList
        populateTeam(count); // Populate the team with players

    // Populating team with players
    private void populateTeam(int count) {
        String[] names = {"Tom Brady", "Patrick Mahomes", "Aaron Rodgers", "Derrick Henry", "DeAndre Hopkins", "Davante Adams"};
        String[] teams = {"Buccaneers", "Chiefs", "Packers", "Titans", "Cardinals", "Raiders"};
        Random random = new Random();

        // Populating team with players
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            int idx = random.nextInt(names.length);
            int yards = random.nextInt(100) + 50; // Generate a random yards per game for the player
            team.add(new NFLPlayer(names[idx], teams[idx], yards)); // Add a new player to the team

    // Perform quick sort on team based on player yards
    public void quickSort() {
        quickSortHelper(0, team.size() - 1); // Call helper method to perform quick sort

    // Helper method for quick sort
    private void quickSortHelper(int low, int high) {
        if (low < high) {
            int pi = partition(low, high); // Get partition index
            quickSortHelper(low, pi - 1); // Sort left part of subarray
            quickSortHelper(pi + 1, high); // Sort right part of subarray

    // Method to partition array and return the partitioning index
    private int partition(int low, int high) {
        NFLPlayer pivot = team.get(high); // Select pivot
        int i = (low - 1); // Smaller element's index

        // Loop to partition array
        for (int j = low; j < high; j++) {
            // If current element is smaller than pivot
            if (team.get(j).compareTo(pivot) < 0) {
                // Swap team[i] and team[j]
                NFLPlayer temp = team.get(i);
                team.set(i, team.get(j));
                team.set(j, temp);

        // Swap team[i+1] and team[high] (or pivot)
        NFLPlayer temp = team.get(i + 1);
        team.set(i + 1, team.get(high));
        team.set(high, temp);
        return i + 1;

    // Override toString() method to provide a string representation of team
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (NFLPlayer p : team) {
        return sb.toString();

    // Testing sorting algorithms
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a team with 10000 players
        NFLTeam team = new NFLTeam(10000);

        // Print team before sorting
        System.out.println("Before Quick Sort:");

        // Timing Quick Sort
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // Print team after sorting
        System.out.println("After Quick Sort:");

        System.out.println("Quick Sort took: " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms");

Before Quick Sort:
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game

After Quick Sort:
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 50 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 50 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 50 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 50 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 51 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 51 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 51 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 51 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 52 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 52 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 52 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 52 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 53 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 53 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 53 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 53 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 54 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 54 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 54 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 55 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 55 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 55 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 55 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 56 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 56 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 56 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 57 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 57 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 57 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 57 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 58 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 58 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 59 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 59 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 59 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 60 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 60 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 60 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 60 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 60 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 61 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 61 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 61 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 62 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 62 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 62 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 63 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 63 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 63 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 64 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 64 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 64 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 65 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 65 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 65 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 66 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 66 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 66 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 67 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 67 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 67 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 67 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 68 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 68 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 68 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 68 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 69 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 69 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 69 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 69 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 69 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 70 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 70 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 70 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 70 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 71 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 71 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 72 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 72 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 72 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 73 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 73 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 73 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 73 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 73 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 74 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 74 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 75 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 75 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 76 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 76 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 76 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 77 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 77 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 77 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 78 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 78 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 78 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 78 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 79 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 79 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 79 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 80 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 80 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 80 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 80 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 81 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 81 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 81 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 81 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 82 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 82 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 82 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 82 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 83 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 83 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 83 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 83 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 84 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 84 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 84 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 84 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 85 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 85 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 85 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 85 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 85 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 86 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 86 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 86 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 86 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 87 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 87 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 88 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 88 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 89 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 89 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 90 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 90 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 91 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 92 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 92 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 92 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 93 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 93 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 94 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 94 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 95 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 95 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 95 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 96 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 96 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 97 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 97 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 97 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 97 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 98 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 98 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 99 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 99 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 99 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 100 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 100 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 100 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 101 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 102 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 102 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 102 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 103 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 103 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 103 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 104 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 104 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 104 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 105 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 105 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 105 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 106 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 106 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 106 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 106 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 107 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 107 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 107 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 107 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 108 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 108 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 109 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 109 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 110 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 110 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 110 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 110 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 111 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 111 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 111 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 111 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 112 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 112 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 112 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 112 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 113 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 113 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 114 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 114 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 114 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 114 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 115 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 115 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 115 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 116 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 116 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 116 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 116 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 116 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 117 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 117 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 117 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 117 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 118 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 118 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 118 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 119 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 119 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 119 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 120 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 120 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 121 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 121 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 122 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 122 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 122 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 123 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 123 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 123 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 123 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 124 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 124 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 125 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 125 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 126 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 126 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 126 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 127 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 127 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 127 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 128 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 128 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 128 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 128 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 129 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 129 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 129 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 130 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 130 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 130 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 130 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 131 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 131 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 131 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 131 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 132 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 132 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 132 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 133 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 133 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 133 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 134 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 134 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 134 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 135 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 135 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 135 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 136 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 136 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 136 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 137 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 137 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 137 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 137 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 138 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 138 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 138 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 139 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 139 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 139 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 140 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 140 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 140 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 141 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 141 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 141 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 142 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 142 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 143 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 143 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 143 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 144 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 144 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 145 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 145 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 146 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 146 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 147 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 147 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 147 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 148 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 148 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
Davante Adams - Raiders: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Tom Brady - Buccaneers: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
DeAndre Hopkins - Cardinals: 149 yards per game
Patrick Mahomes - Chiefs: 149 yards per game
Derrick Henry - Titans: 149 yards per game
Aaron Rodgers - Packers: 149 yards per game

Quick Sort took: 5 ms

How the Code Works

  • Creates a team with 10,000 players.
  • Prints the team before sorting.
  • Sorts the team using the quicksort algorithm and measures the time taken.
  • Prints the team after sorting and the time taken for the sorting process.