How you used N@tM to capture test data to be used in trimester 3 from feedback, something you will add to your project other?

We got multiple feedback from people of all backgrounds, the most valuable were from adults who were in the tech industry. Here are some of the data we collected and what we are currently integrating in our project:

What looked good:

  • backend to frontend connection
  • SQL databases in backend updating in real time from frontend input, especially for the chat feature
  • Controllers
  • Really liked my Chat feature however they didn’t like that it wasn’t fully integrated with the login system

What we can add/improve on:

  • Account, and setting classes –> integrate the clubs into the fetch that why users can put as many clubs as they want
  • Compare –> Should search users by name
  • Chat –> Should automatically update rather than requiring a refresh and should be integrated with the login system
  • Styling

Blog / article on you and team and reflection on glows/grows from your demo/presentations

Our project was resepected for it’s backend to frontend connection, with SQL databases updating in real-time from frontend inputs, enhancing the chat feature espeically. Our implementation of controllers was also praised for its efficiency. However, feedback highlighted areas for improvement. Integrating the chat feature fully with the login system was identified as crucial for a smoother user experience. Additionally, enhancing the account and setting classes to integrate clubs into the fetch process would offer users greater flexibility. User usability improvements such as enabling user search by name in the compare feature and implementing automatic updates in the chat function without manual refresh were also suggested. Finally, attention to styling was recommended to enhance the overall presentation and user interface.

On our demo: We demo’d on our project pretty well, but it was more like a presented our features one by one rather than presenting a whole group project. That’s where we can improve on, and that will get better with integration in the coming weeks.

Pics and Other Groups

visuals or pics of team and people you talked

Favorite groups project - Tanisha, Rachit, Luna, Theo, Finn, Justin

  • Game to help people learn about AP Classes.
  • SQL 4 login for questions datbabase and leaders database.
  • Rest of the program is Javascript.

something you saw in CompSci that impressed

Here are some pics of CSP and CSA Projects including Tanisha’s. Another one which stood out to me was David’s project which involved manipulating stocks and a CSP group’s project which involved real eastate in San Diego.

something you saw outside of CompSci that you liked

Cool ceramics projects, might take this class next year.